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Polyclonal Antibody

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Rabbit Anti-GOLGA2 Polyclonal Antibody

Cat NoBSPA-1954
TypePolyclonal Antibody
Size1 mg
ApplicationELISA; WB; IHC
ConcentrationPlease refer to the vial lable for the specific concentration.
BufferSupplied in PBS.
StorageStore at -20 degree. Avoid repeted freeze/thaw cycl.
SynonymsGOLGA2;golgin A2;GM130;Golgin subfamily A member 2;golgin-95;SY11 protein;GM130 autoantigen;Golgi matrix protein GM130;130 kDa cis-Golgi matrix protein;golgi autoantigen, golgin subfamily a, 2
NoteTis product l is eeze eezeleezeegrrch useeze ly, no useeze huma, apeut agnost apcal.
BackgroundThe Golgi apparatus, which participates in glycosylation and transport of proteins and lipids in the secretory pathway, consists of a series of stacked cisternae (flattened membrane sacs). Interactions between the Golgi and microtubules are thought to be important for the reorganization of the Golgi after it fragments during mitosis. This gene encodes one of the golgins, a family of proteins localized to the Golgi. This encoded protein has been postulated to play roles in the stacking of Golgi cisternae and in vesicular transport. Several alternatively spliced transcript variants of this gene have been described, but the full-length nature of these variants has not been determined. [provided by RefSeq, Feb 2010]
We can offer labeled proteins/antibodies using a broad range of intensely fluorescent dyes and labels including FITC, Biotin, Alexa Fluor, Rhodamine B, Cy, Co-Au.