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Polyclonal Antibody

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Rabbit Anti-STRADA Polyclonal Antibody

Cat NoBSPA-2828
TypePolyclonal Antibody
Size1 mg
ApplicationELISA; IHC
ConcentrationPlease refer to the vial lable for the specific concentration.
BufferSupplied in PBS.
StorageStore at -20 degree. Avoid repeted freeze/thaw cycl.
SynonymsSTRADA;STE20-related kinase adaptor alpha;LYK5;PMSE;Stlk;STRAD;NY-BR-96;STE20-related kinase adapter protein alpha;STRAD alpha;protein kinase LYK5;STE20-like pseudokinase;serologically defined breast cancer antigen NY-BR-96
NoteTis product l is eeze eezeleezeegrrch useeze ly, no useeze huma, apeut agnost apcal.
BackgroundMembers of the STE-20 like kinase family are known to stimulate MAPK pathways by directly activating MAPKKK. LYK5 is a novel pseudokinase member of this family consisting of a STE-20 like kinase domain but lacks several residues that are required for its catalytic activity. It specifically binds LKB1 and plays a key role in regulating the tumor suppressor activities of LKB1. It functions as an upstream activator of LKB1 and also directs the sub-cellular localization of LKB1 by anchoring it in the cytoplasm. LYK5-LKB1 interaction results in phosphorylation of LYK5 and enhanced autophosphorylation of LKB1.
We can offer labeled proteins/antibodies using a broad range of intensely fluorescent dyes and labels including FITC, Biotin, Alexa Fluor, Rhodamine B, Cy, Co-Au.