OA@Fe3O4 It is a nano material obtained by modifying oleic acid moleculeson the surface of Fe3O4 magnetic Particles, and is widely used inthebiomedical field. Its excellent magnetism, dispersibility, stability, andbiocompatibility make it important for applications in magnetic resonanceimaging, targeted drug delivery, cell separation, magnetic hyperthermia, andother fields. OA@Fe3O4 It can effectively improve the contrast of magneticresonance imaging, serve as a drug carrier for targeted therapy, and playanimportant role in cell and biomolecule separation. Beijing Biotyscience Co. Ltd can provide high-quality OA@Fe3O4 with variousparticle sizes. The product has uniform particle size and good surfaceadsorption performance. It can meet the personalized material needsofvarious customers for research and development, testing, production, andconsumption.
Cat | Product Name | Concentration | Size |
ABOA-0010 | OA@Fe3O4, 10 nm in Chloroform | 1 mg/ml | 50 ml |
ABOA-0020 | OA@Fe3O4, 20 nm in Chloroform | 1 mg/ml | 50 ml |
BOAC-0005 | OA@Fe3O4, 50 nm in Cyclohexane | 10mg/ml | 10 ml |
BOAC-0010 | OA@Fe3O4, 100 nm in Cyclohexane | 10mg/ml | 10 ml |
BOAC-0020 | OA@Fe3O4, 200 nm in Cyclohexane | 10mg/ml | 10 ml |
BOAC-0030 | OA@Fe3O4, 300 nm in Cyclohexane | 10mg/ml | 10 ml |
BOAC-0040 | OA@Fe3O4, 400 nm in Cyclohexane | 10mg/ml | 10 ml |
BOAC-0050 | OA@Fe3O4, 500 nm in Cyclohexane | 10mg/ml | 10 ml |
BOAC-0100 | OA@Fe3O4, 1 um in Cyclohexane | 10mg/ml | 10 ml |
BOAC-0200 | OA@Fe3O4, 2 um in Cyclohexane | 10mg/ml | 10 ml |
BOAC-0300 | OA@Fe3O4, 3 um in Cyclohexane | 10mg/ml | 10 ml |
BOAC-0500 | OA@Fe3O4, 5 um in Cyclohexane | 10mg/ml | 10 ml |
BOAC-1000 | OA@Fe3O4, 10 um in Cyclohexane | 10mg/ml | 10 ml |
BOAC-1500 | OA@Fe3O4, 15 um in Cyclohexane | 10mg/ml | 10 ml |
BOAC-2000 | OA@Fe3O4, 20 um in Cyclohexane | 10mg/ml | 10 ml |
BOAC-3000 | OA@Fe3O4, 30 um in Cyclohexane | 10mg/ml | 10 ml |
BOAC-4000 | OA@Fe3O4, 40 um in Cyclohexane | 10mg/ml | 10 ml |
BOAC-5000 | OA@Fe3O4, 50 um in Cyclohexane | 10mg/ml | 10 ml |
BOAC-10000 | OA@Fe3O4, 100 um in Cyclohexane | 10mg/ml | 10 ml |