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Polysaccharide Decolorization Service

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    Polysaccharides are natural high molecular weight compounds formed by the condensation of various types of monosaccharides. They exist in animal, plant, and microbial tissues and are one of the four basic substances that make up life. Polysaccharides have become an important research subject due to their ability to enhance the body's immunity, resist bacteria, viruses, and treat inflammation. Natural polysaccharides have a wide range of sources and complex chemical compositions. Crude polysaccharides are often accompanied by colored impurities, which are not conducive to the structural identification and subsequent activity analysis of polysaccharides. Therefore, separation and purification are necessary. The commonly used methods for decolorizing polysaccharides include hydrogen peroxide decolorization, metal complex decolorization, adsorption decolorization, and ion exchange column decolorization.

    Beijing Biotechnology Co. Ltd, has many years of experience in polysaccharide decolorization services, using hydrogen peroxide decolorization method and activated carbon decolorization method to decolorize polysaccharides, ensuring that customers complete subsequent experiments.


    For other services please contact our customer service department.

    Website: www.biotyscience.com  Phone: + 400-669-8850  Email: biotyscience@gmail.com


    Test items


    Activated carbon adsorption

    Activated carbon adsorption decolorization

    Hydrogen peroxide decolorization

    Hydrogen peroxide oxidation decolorization


    Mature technological roadmap, stable and reliable product quality;

    Standardized testing system to meet customer needs;

    Professional technical support, always ready to answer your questions.


    Polysaccharide Decolorization Service.png

    Ordering Information

    Website: en.biotyscience.com

    Phone: +86-400-669-8850 

    Email: biotyscience@gmail.com