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Monoclonal Antibody

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Cat No: BSPA-1110 

Size: 1 mg 

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Rabbit Anti-ATP5F1D Polyclonal Antibody

Cat NoBSPA-1110
TypePolyclonal Antibody
Size1 mg
ApplicationELISA; IHC
ConcentrationPlease refer to the vial lable for the specific concentration.
BufferSupplied in PBS.
StorageStore at -20 degree. Avoid repeted freeze/thaw cycl.
SynonymsATP5F1D;ATP synthase F1 subunit delta;ATP5D
NoteTis product l is eeze eezeleezeegrrch useeze ly, no useeze huma, apeut agnost apcal.
BackgroundThis gene encodes a subunit of mitochondrial ATP synthase. Mitochondrial ATP synthase catalyzes ATP synthesis, utilizing an electrochemical gradient of protons across the inner membrane during oxidative phosphorylation. ATP synthase is composed of two linked multi-subunit complexes: the soluble catalytic core, F1, and the membrane-spanning component, Fo, comprising the proton channel. The catalytic portion of mitochondrial ATP synthase consists of 5 different subunits (alpha, beta, gamma, delta, and epsilon) assembled with a stoichiometry of 3 alpha, 3 beta, and a single representative of the other 3. The proton channel consists of three main subunits (a, b, c). This gene encodes the delta subunit of the catalytic core. Alternatively spliced transcript variants encoding the same isoform have been identified.
We can offer labeled proteins/antibodies using a broad range of intensely fluorescent dyes and labels including FITC, Biotin, Alexa Fluor, Rhodamine B, Cy, Co-Au.