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Biotyscience Inc

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“What is the difference between monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies?” the question that often crops up. The biggest difference is the way of production and their use. Polyclonal antibodies are multiple antibodies that can bind multiple epitopes on antigens. The process of preparing polyclonal antibodies is generally including injecting the immunogen into a certain host animal, multiple immunization, and reaching a certain titer, then purifying antiserum. Of course, these polyclonal antibodies can be use straight from the serum free from clotting proteins and RBC.

However, once a batch of polyclonal antibody is used out, animals must be re-immunized for preparation PAb. Therefore, there is a high level of variability from batch to batch for polyclonal antibodies. And due to many antibodies with varying paratopes result from this, and therefore having different affinities for the target protein. For the application, polyclonal antibodies are not recommended in quantification experiments, such as FCM which may amplify the negative signals.

With over 10,000 products, our growth can be attributed to the continual production of cutting edge research products. Biotyscience can offer monoclonal antibodies with high titer, high specificity, and high sensitivity. Biotyscience offers primary antibodies, antibody conjugates, proteins, and ELISA kits across the life sciences.


  • p21
  • p23
  • p53
  • PA
  • PABPN1
  • PADI4
  • PAF1
  • PAFAH1B1
  • PAK2
  • PAOX
  • Parathyroid Hormone
  • PARD6A
  • PARK7
  • PARL
  • PARP1
  • PARP3
  • PAX7
  • PAX8
  • PBK
  • PBR
  • PCGF6
  • PCK2
  • PCNA
  • PCSK5
  • PCSK9
  • PCT
  • PCYT2
  • PDCD2
  • PDCD4
  • PDE4D
  • PDGF B
  • PDGFR beta
  • PDHA1
  • PDIA2
  • PDLIM1
  • PDLIM4
  • PDPK1
  • PEBP1
  • PEPC
  • Perforin
  • PERK
  • Peroxiredoxin 2
  • Peroxiredoxin 2 (PRDX2)
  • Peroxiredoxin 3
  • PEX16
  • PFKFB2
  • PGBD1
  • PGBD2
  • PGC
  • PGK1
  • PHD1
  • Phenytoin
  • PHF6
  • PHLPP1
  • Phospho-AKT (Thr308)
  • Phospho-alpha 1 Sodium Potassium ATPase (Ser23)
  • Phospho-AMPK alpha 1/2 (Thr183/Thr172)
  • Phospho-Artemis (Ser516)
  • Phospho-ATF2 (Thr71)
  • Phospho-B23 (Thr199)
  • Phospho-beta Catenin (Ser37)
  • Phospho-BRAF (Thr401)
  • Phospho-BRCA1 (Ser1423)
  • Phospho-c Jun (Ser63)
  • Phospho-c Jun (Thr93)
  • Phospho-c Myb (Ser11)
  • Phospho-CaMKII (Thr305)
  • Phospho-Cardiac Troponin I (Ser22/Ser23)
  • Phospho-CD31 (Tyr713)
  • Phospho-CDC37 (Ser13)
  • Phospho-CDK2 (Tyr15)
  • Phospho-Chk2 (Thr68)
  • Phospho-CREB (Ser133)
  • Phospho-EGFR (Tyr1092)
  • Phospho-eIF4E (Ser209)
  • Phospho-ErbB 2 (Tyr1221/Tyr1222)
  • Phospho-ERK1/2 (Thr202/Tyr204)/(Thr185/Tyr187)
  • Phospho-FAK (Tyr397)
  • Phospho-FGFR1 (Tyr654)
  • Phospho-FOXO1/3 (Ser322/S325)
  • Phospho-GARNL1 (Thr736)
  • Phospho-GCN2 (Thr667)
  • Phospho-Glutamate Receptor 1 (AMPA Subtype) (Ser845)
  • Phospho-Glycogen Synthase (Ser641)
  • Phospho-GRLF1 (Tyr1087)
  • Phospho-Histone H2A (Ser129)
  • Phospho-Histone H3 (Ser10)
  • Phospho-Histone H3 (Thr3)
  • Phospho-Histone H4 (Ser1)
  • Phospho-HSF1 (Ser326)
  • Phospho-IGF1 Receptor (Tyr1165/Tyr1166)
  • Phospho-IKB alpha (Ser32)
  • Phospho-IKB alpha (Ser32/Ser36)
  • Phospho-IKK beta (Tyr188)
  • Phospho-IRE1 (Ser724)
  • Phospho-IRS1 (Ser636)
  • Phospho-IRS1 (Ser639)
  • Phospho-JAK1 (Tyr1022)
  • Phospho-JAK2 (Tyr1007)
  • Phospho-JAK2/3 (Tyr966/939)
  • Phospho-JAK3 (Tyr785)
  • Phospho-JNK (Thr183)
  • Phospho-JNK (Thr183/Tyr185)
  • Phospho-JunD (Ser73/100)
  • Phospho-kappa Opioid Receptor (Ser369)
  • Phospho-KCNQ2/3/4/5 (Thr217/Thr246/Thr223/Thr251)
  • Phospho-LAT (Tyr191)
  • Phospho-LRRK2 (Ser395)
  • Phospho-MEK1 (Ser298)
  • Phospho-MEK1 (Thr292)
  • Phospho-MEK2 (Thr394)
  • Phospho-MSK1 (Ser376)
  • Phospho-mTOR (Ser2448)
  • Phospho-Myosin Phosphatase (Thr853)
  • Phospho-Neurofilament Medium (Ser614/Ser619)
  • Phospho-NF kappa B p65 (Ser536)
  • Phospho-NMDAR2A/2B (Tyr1246/Tyr1252)
  • Phospho-p107 (Thr369)
  • Phospho-p38 (Thr180/Tyr182)
  • Phospho-p53 (Ser15)
  • Phospho-PAK1/2/3 (Ser144/Ser141/Ser154)
  • Phospho-PAK4/5/6 (Ser474/Ser560/Ser602)
  • Phospho-PERK (Thr982)
  • Phospho-PI3 Kinase p85/p55 (Tyr467/Tyr199)
  • Phospho-PKA alpha/beta/gamma (Thr197)
  • Phospho-PKA RII alpha (Ser99)
  • Phospho-PKC alpha (Thr638)
  • Phospho-Raf1 (Ser259)
  • Phospho-Rb (Ser780)
  • Phospho-Rb (Ser807)
  • Phospho-RSK1 p90 (Ser380)
  • Phospho-RSK1 p90 (Thr359/Ser363)
  • Phospho-SIRT1 (Ser47)
  • Phospho-Smad2 (Ser250)
  • Phospho-Smad2 (Ser255)
  • Phospho-Smad2/3 (Thr8)
  • Phospho-Smad3 (Ser425)
  • Phospho-Sp1 (Thr739)
  • Phospho-Src (Tyr419)
  • Phospho-STAT1 (Ser727)
  • Phospho-STAT1 (Tyr701)
  • Phospho-STAT3 (Ser727)
  • Phospho-STAT3 (Tyr705)
  • Phospho-Syk (Tyr323)
  • Phospho-Synapsin I (Ser9)
  • Phospho-TAK1 (Thr187)
  • Phospho-TGF beta Receptor I (Ser165)
  • Phospho-Vimentin (Ser72)
  • PI3 Kinase C2 gamma
  • PI3 Kinase p110 beta
  • PI3 Kinase p110 delta
  • PIAS1/2
  • PIDD1
  • PIN1
  • PIWIL1
  • PKA RII beta
  • PKC beta 2
  • PKC delta
  • PKC eta
  • PKC theta
  • PKC zeta
  • PKD1
  • PKM
  • PKNOX2
  • PLA2G4A
  • Placental Alkaline Phosphatase
  • Placental Lactogen
  • PLAGL2
  • Plasminogen Receptor
  • Plastin L
  • PLAT
  • PLAU
  • PLCG1
  • PLD4
  • PLG
  • PLGF
  • PLK1
  • PLK3
  • PLK4
  • PMS2
  • PNMT
  • Podoplanin
  • POFUT1
  • POLD1
  • POLR3F
  • PON1
  • POT1
  • POU3F1
  • PP2A alpha
  • PPAD
  • PPAR alpha
  • PPAR gamma
  • PPARγ
  • PPIB
  • PPM1D
  • PPP1R15B
  • PPP2CA
  • PRC1
  • PRDX6
  • PREP
  • Prion Protein
  • PRL
  • PRNP
  • Profilin 1
  • Prohibitin
  • PROS1
  • Prostate Secretory Protein
  • Prostate Specific Antigen
  • Proteasome beta 8
  • Protein A
  • PROX1
  • PRRT2
  • PSD93
  • PSGR
  • PSMB7
  • PSMD12
  • PSMD14
  • PSMF1
  • PSPN
  • PTBP1
  • PTCH1
  • PTEN
  • PTK2B
  • PTP4A1
  • PTP4A3
  • PTPN11
  • PTPN6
  • PTRH2
  • Pyruvate Dehydrogenase E1 alpha